time ago, when I was in Bogenga – Bajawa as a postulant student. Yah, I ever
fall in love to a girl. Hmm, I rememmber her.
Santiago goes to his room and open up the
cupboard, find out his diary. Hahaha, it is an old book, I keep it along time,
since 2014. Hmm, Satiago reads the story and he writte it down again.
This is the love
story. My best book, I want to tell you about my connection with a pretty girl.
She is very beautiful, her face makes me overthrow, ispired me. I lost my way,
she is the bad and the good. At same time, I reqognize that tha purpose of
people life is to search the happiness. I decide to join to Carmel monastery,
becoz I know there is my goodlife. It is
day is coming soon, one of retret follower her name is Mary Magdalen from
Golewa Senior High School present before me. I saw her first time in
dinningroom, beside her friends she used the red jacket and trousers, she smile
to me and it was very, I can’t imagine it. I fall in love… all the retret daies we spent to share
together about something inside, in deep of heart. At tha last day of retret, I
couldn’t keep again my feeling, so in front of her I said I Love You. Hahaha,
hmm how she react? She gave my her phone number, nice to call you later, don’t
forget to remember me alone my love.
come to me the good day for seeing her. We went to Golewa by local car which
the Bajawa people call Bemo. I met her, I was so happy and she also. I kissed
her, this is very secret, you don’t do the likewise. No! No! this is normal,
kiss a girl to whom we love isn’t sin. Okay, so I did it. Almost….
our special friendship was not so long, I knew she has have already a
boyfriend. Shy lie to me thar she was free. I was very angry on her becoz of
knowing this. But I thanked her for the love. I will not forget you face
forever, you are in my heart always, even you made me angry.
Sintuz Bezy
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