Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2019

Thank God

            That word I said to God because I am so happy this morning. Do you know why/ listen to me, I will tell you abou my good experience of today. When I have been meditation, I was very socking heard Aris voice called me to go to father Flavis’ room. First time I was vary afraid, maybe I will not enter to the second novice but all this is wrong, my thinking is not suitable.            Since I came back from home after my holyday times, I was very nerveus, my heart is not like the days before. Some times I ma Happy but most of the times I am unhappy. Many bad things happened to me almost every single day. I don’t know why? One wahich made me cannot get the happiness that is because my life is not yet clear the proff said and make me like this. I don’t know my feature in Carmel, will I enter to the second novis.            This morning is the day which the proof came up to myself. In the father Flavis room I almost to leap because I ant to show that I am happy. Hahahaha. Father told me that I am one of the brothers who go to novis.            God  thank you so many for this proof, God this is because of your togetherness whith me. God your name will be in my heart for ever. Jesus Chris You are my close friend, You know all my lack, support me please in all my creation wise.            All the saints of Carmel, St Teresa Avilla, John of The Cross.Jesu ufam tobie
Bogenga 22-04-2014Sintuzbezy

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