Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2019



Oleh:  Bezysintuz

            Some days ago, Islam Youth Organization in  Makasar came to a book shop which the biggest one in Indonesia called Gramedia. They came in to the shop and took out all the books which according to them those books are very dangerous. They requisted Indonesian people might not read the book of left ideology. I think this is the form expression of brutality. Who are you can control what must other people read. What law basic do you have? It’s stupidity.

            I watched that video and I was very shy, how can this happened? How their way of thinking. I spent two months to read Suseno’s books, 4 years studied about Marxism-Leninism, sosialism, komunism. Suseno Introduces marxism in Indonesia while he hopes that Indonesian people may understand  and know well about what Marxism is. Marxism isn’t bad, it’s a basic ideology to control the goverment in democratic system. We need all those teachings.

            Islam Youth Group who refuse Marxism ideology be spread out by forbiden the selling of Marxism books are those who never read those books are.’” Don’t judge the books by its cover’”. Why they didn’t know this wise word? The prime good of Suseno thouth is to help Indonesian people know well what Marxism is, what kind of Marxism learning and what bad of this dengerous ideology, we as the intelectual people accept the good and forbid the bad of that ideology.

            One point I want to say that,  no one can control what other people must read, we are in National democratic system, we aren’t controled by individuals, we are controled by law. The law is our source of how to live our life as a citizenship. Our constitution protect our freedom in all things, also in thinking, we are free to read what book we must read. Learn Marxism is very important, i suggest you all to read this book rigt now.

Bajawa, 6 Agustus 2019

Sintuz Bezy.

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