Friday, Februari 5th 2021 (The feas of St Agata)
Fist Reading : Ibrani 13: 1-8
Gospel Reading: Mark 6 : 14-29
Good morning everyone,
Let us pause awhile and in the silence of put hearts, let us reflect together about the readings which we have just heard. Today we are celebrating the feast of St. Agata. I think it is good for us to find out messages which can inspire us to imitate her virtues that will be benefit for our life. I would like share with you my reflection about those things. Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, there are three main points I want to talk to you. First is about the ambiguity of Jesus’ identity. Who is Jesus according to the people in His time? Second, I want to talk about the True Leaders and their characteristics than the third one I want to talk about St. Agata and her good testimony in being a follower of Jesus.
Content (Three important Points)
ambiguity of Jesus’ identity
All the people who lived at Jesus’ time was confused about the identity of Jesus. Some said, He was a prophet, some said He was Elijah. King Herod also was confused when he heard about Jesus and he said that Jesus was John the baptized whom he has beheaded and now appeared to the people. Dear brothers and sisters, believe it or not you and I also still confuse about the true identity of Jesus. Many people does not believe that He is the Son of God. I remember one of the good novel wrote by a famous philosopher named Dolstsky, He argued and trying to proof the readers about why people are still confuse about Jesus’ Identity. He said that the big problem came from Jesus himself, do you remember the story of temptation. Satan tempted Jesus by saying, “If You are Son of God, jump down from this top of building and the angels will save You” but Jesus didn’t do it, so according to Dollstkey Jesus never show himself as the Son of God. That is why people still ambiguous to believe about Jesus’ identity. Some people like Karen Amstrong than decided to dedicate their life as a freelance, it means someone who just believe to God and never become the part of one religion. This became a big problem for us. The question is, are we also ambiguous with Jesus’ identity? I hope we are not. As a believer each and every one of us are called to believe in Jesus and His true identity.
At the end of the first reading, we
heard that we must follow our leaders who has preached the good news, look at
their life and imitate their examples. Dear brothers from the Holy Gospel we
found three characteristics of a leader. First from John the Baptist, he was a
true leader because he preached the truth, Even though he has to pay it by his
death. John was beheaded because He said the truth. So this is the leader whom we
must imitate. Second King Herod, he was an antagonist person. He liked to hear
John’s preaching and He also the person who decided to kill John. I believe
that many of us here imitate the character of King Herod. The third is Herodias,
she showed the bad attitude. She was angry with John who corrected her bad lifestyle.
Many people around us, including each of us maybe do the same like Herodias. We
tend to get upset and feel bad when someone corrected us. Often time we also
like Herodias, we do not want to be corrected by other people and our tendency
is to attack the people who we do not like the most. I would like to invite you
all to always imitate attitudes of the true leader. Let us learn from John the
Baptist, stand for the truth and ready to pay the cost of our action.
of St Agata
believe that all of you are familiar with the story of St. Agatha. For me, she
was a real and true follower of Jesus. She gave herself totally to Jesus, She
refused worldly pleasures and she surrender her life to Jesus.
question for our reflection have we practice to give testimony about Jesus and
preach the truth? Have we imitate the
good examples of true leader?
Jogja, 4 Februari 2021
Sintus Bezy (dikoreksi oleh sr Encyk dari Amerika).
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